Did anyone see Lisa Brzezicki’s recent post on Advance Perspective’s blog: Survey Reveals Lack of HIT Workers in the Lone Star State?
She discussed the results of a recent Texas Health Information Technology Employer Needs Assessment Report conducted by done by the Department of Health Information Management at Texas State University-San Marcos.
The report’s main findings: There will be a much greater need for health information technology (HIT) workers in Texas than previously anticipated.
Here’s what Lisa had to say about the report:
It is projected that Texas will need an additional 10,000 HIT workers for the state’s $103.6 billion healthcare industry by 2013. This gap is much larger than the original estimation that Texas would require an additional 3,500 HIT workers between 2010 and 2015. The results from this survey have shown the original 3,500 figure to be grossly under-estimated.
Led by Susan H. Fenton, PhD, the survey was conducted as part of a contract with the Texas Workforce Commission, with funding for the project coming from the governor’s office through a Wagner-Peyser grant. The study data was accumulated by conducting HIT employer focus groups across the state and through a statewide HIT employer survey.
The HIT Employer Needs Assessment has demonstrated that Texas providers (clinics and hospitals) are conservatively estimated to need 9,500 HIT employees between now and 2013. Non-providers (HER vendors and consultants) reported needing an additional 500 HIT employees by 2013, so it is conservatively estimated that Texas will need an additional 10,000 HIT workers by 2013.
According to the report detailing the study, results indicate that the current Texas HIT workforce is insufficient to meet the needs. This gap will only grow and the quality of care for Texas citizens will suffer if action is not taken. Bridging this gap will require a collaborative effort between employers, educational providers, public organizations and others to develop and implement a plan of action.
To read the full text of the report, go to www.health.txstate.edu/him/TxHIT-workforce/news/contentParagraph/03/document/TexasHITEmployerNeedsAssessment_RELEASED_03302012.pdf