Hired by MTIA and AHDI, the Dewey Square Group (along with MTIA staff) has started eliciting member-hosted congressional district visits to help build legislative relationships and better educate key members on the work that the medical transcription industry does and the challenges it faces.
According to MTIA’s eNewsletter, “Congressman John Adler (D-NJ) was hosted by Peter Masanotti, president and CEO, Michael Clark, senior VP of sales, marketing and operations, and Eileen Dwyer, corporate vice president at MedQuist Headquarters in August.
MedQuist discussed meaningful use as well as the medical transcription industry’s overall role in healthcare reform and workforce/job development during a roundtable discussion with the congressman.
While only two MTIA member companies participated, the visits initiated the opportunity to build a relationship with these offices and continue to work together on Capitol Hill briefings, testimony, and potential industry-related hearings.”